viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

TOK Presentation

The aim of our presentation was to prove the relation between art (as an area of knowledge) and language (as a way of knowing) . In order to explore fully explore the relation between the two a range of experiments were carried out within the group. Our team was divided into different groups that carried experiments in each of the arts considered by the IB program (music, visual arts, cinematography and dance) in order to involve the audience and shoe them real examples of how art and language are related. From the feedback that the group had it was clear that the interaction with the crowd wasn't sufficient and that the experiments weren't as creative. However the relation between art and language was clearly expressed and understood by most of the members of the audience, making the presentation a success. 

The group worked in different teams in order to fully address each type of art. In general this idea worked perfectly to fully explain the relation  between or area of knowledge and way of knowing by presenting sufficient and optimum information. However each group had lots of information for which the final presentation was  too long, affecting the final outcome. The team also lacked organization since some of the members uploaded their information at last minute, delaying the conclusion of the group as a whole.

If I could do this experiment again we would need to improve the organization of the team. Having all the information on time would have given us the opportunity to practice the presentation and fully arrange the amount of time that each group needed to address their ideas. Hence making our presentation much more clear, optimum and complete.

One of the  learnings that I got from this experience was how much patience  and respect is needed when working within a team with different ideas, cultures and believes. I learned that the context of the persons affects the way in which they see and understand a piece of art. However we have to take into consideration that as a society we have set some parameters that make people unconsciously see and express art in certain ways such as the ones presented ( cinematography, music, visual arts and dance) 

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